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Первая постоянная группировка сил – Азовский флот – была сформирована из кораблей и судов, построенных зимой 1695–1696 гг. и предназначалась для содействия армии в кампании по овладению турецкой крепостью Азов. 30 октября 1696 г. боярская дума по представлению царя Петра I приняла постановление « Морским судам быть... », что стало первым законом о флоте и признание официальной датой его основания.
Пётр I Великий (Пётр Алексеевич) - последний царь всея Руси из династии Романовых (с 1682 года) и первый Император Всероссийский (с 1721 года).

В ходе Северной войны 1700–1721 гг. определились основные задачи флота, перечень которых остается практически неизменным до настоящего времени.
Задачи военно-морского флота:
- борьба против военно-морских сил противника;
- борьба на морских коммуникациях;
- оборона своего побережья с морского направления;
- содействие армии на приморских направлениях;
- нанесение ударов и обеспечение вторжения на территорию противника с морского направления .

До Первой мировой войны основные задачи решались надводными кораблями, и они были главным родом сил флота. В период Второй мировой войны эта роль на некоторое время перешла к морской авиации, а в послевоенный период с появлением ракетно-ядерного оружия и кораблей с атомными энергетическими установками в качестве главного рода сил утвердились подводные лодки.
Флагман Черноморского флота броненосец «Евстафий» на рейде Севастополя, 1914 год

На Балтике флот постоянно существовал с 18 мая 1703 г., Каспийская флотилия – с 15 ноября 1722 г., а флот на Черном море – с 13 мая 1783 г. На Севере и Тихом океане группировки сил флота создавались, как правило, на временной основе или, не получив значительного развития, периодически упразднялись. Нынешний Тихоокеанский и Северный флоты в качестве постоянных группировок существуют соответственно с 21 апреля 1932 г. и

Военно-Морским Флотом
Вооруженных сил
Чирков Виктор Викторович
Главнокомандующий Военно-Морским Флотом, адмирал
Адмиралтейство, Санкт-Петербург

Военно-Морской Флот Вооруженных сил Российской Федерации
Надводные силы
Подводные силы
Морская авиация
Береговые войска:
- Морская пехота

Надводные силы являются основными для обеспечения выхода и развертывания подводных лодок в районы боевых действий и возвращения в базы, перевозки и прикрытия десантов. Им отводится главная роль в постановке минных заграждений, в борьбе с минной опасностью и защите своих коммуникаций.

Подводные силы - род сил Военно-морского флота, включающий атомные ракетные подводные лодки стратегического назначения, атомные многоцелевые подводные лодки и дизель-электрические (неатомные) подводные лодки.

Морская авиация - род сил Военно-морского флота, предназначенный для поиска и уничтожения боевых сил флота противника, десантных отрядов, конвоев и одиночных кораблей (судов) в море и на базах; прикрытия группировок кораблей и объектов флота от ударов противника с воздуха; уничтожения самолётов, вертолётов и крылатых ракет; ведения воздушной разведки; наведения на корабельные силы противника своих ударных сил и выдачи им целеуказания.

Береговые войска - род сил Военно-морского флота, предназначенный для прикрытия сил флотов, войск, населения и объектов на морском побережье от воздействия надводных кораблей противника; обороны военно-морских баз и других важных объектов флотов с суши, в том числе от морских и воздушных десантов; высадки и действий в морских, воздушно-морских десантах; содействия сухопутным войскам в противодесантной обороне десантоопасных районов морского побережья; уничтожения надводных кораблей, катеров и десантно-транспортных средств в зоне досягаемости оружия

Береговые ракетно-артиллерийские войска - род береговых войск Военно-морского флота. В своём составе имеют ракетные части, оснащённые наземными стационарными и подвижными ракетными комплексами, а также подразделения береговой артиллерии.

Морская пехота - род береговых войск ВМФ, предназначенный и специально подготовленный для ведения боевых действий в морских десантах, а также для обороны военно-морских баз, важных участков побережья и береговых объектов.
В России морская пехота появилась в 1705 г., когда в ходе Северной войны 1700-1721 гг. развернулась вооружённая борьба в приморских и островных районах.

Многоцелевая ДЭПЛ
Подводные лодки проекта 636 «Варшавянка» (по кодификации НАТО – Improved Kilo ) - тип многоцелевых дизельных подводных лодок.
6 лодок будут построены до 2018 года
Дальность хода:
экономным ходом 3 узла - 400 миль
в режиме РДП на скорости 7 узлов - 7500 миль

Многоцелевая ДЭПЛ
Лодки проекта получили автоматизированный комплекс вооружения. В состав вооружения вошли 6 торпедных аппаратов калибра 533 мм, до 18 торпед или 24 мины. В советское время на кораблях устанавливался оборонительный ЗРК «Стрела-3», который мог использоваться в надводном положении.
Лодки проекта 877 являются самыми малошумными российскими субмаринами, что объясняется отсутствием как шумных турбозубчатых агрегатов и мощных насосов, характерных для АПЛ, так и весьма шумных дизельных двигателей надводного хода. Уменьшение шумности агрегатов дополнено выверенной обтекаемой формой и гидроакустическим покрытием корпуса. На западе «Варшавянка» получила уважительное прозвище «Чёрная дыра» за высокую скрытность. Шумность лодки на 2-5 узлах 80-90 Дб на 1 Па на расстоянии 1 м

Многоцелевая Подводная Лодка Атомная Торпедная с Ракетами Крылатыми
Подводные лодки проекта 971 «Щука-Б» (обозначение НАТО - «Akula» ) - серия многоцелевых атомных подводных лодок третьего поколения, спроектированных по тому же техническому заданию, что и титановые лодки проекта 945 «Барракуда», но со стальным корпусом.
«Щука-Б» вооружена торпедно-ракетным комплексом, включающим 4 торпедных аппарата калибра 650 мм и 4 торпедных аппарата калибра 533 мм, боезапас составляет 40 единиц, в том числе 12 калибра 650 мм и 28 калибра 533 мм.

Тяжёлые ракетные подводные крейсеры стратегического назначения
Основное вооружение - ракетный комплекс Д-19 с 20-ю трёхступенчатыми твердотопливными баллистическими ракетами

Тяжелый авианесущий крейсер
«Адмирал Флота Советского Союза Кузнецов»
По проекту
50 самолётов и вертолётов: 26 × МиГ-29К или Су-27К 4 × Ка-27РЛД 18 × Ка-27 или Ка-29 2 × Ка-27ПС Фактически: 14 × Су-33 2 × Су-25УТГ 10 × МиГ-29К 4 × МиГ-29КУБ

Тяжёлый атомный ракетный крейсер «Петр Великий»
Является флагманом Северного флота ВМФ РФ.
Основное предназначение - уничтожение авианосных групп противника.

Гвардейский ракетный крейсер
С сентября по ноябрь 2013 ГРКР «Москва» выполнял задачи в качестве флагмана постоянного оперативного соединения ВМФ России в Средиземном море
Флагман Черноморского флота. С 9 по 12 августа 2008 года крейсер участвовал в вооружённом конфликте с Грузией в водах Абхазии

Противолодочный самолет A-40 «Альбатрос»
Предназначен для борьбы с подводными лодками противника в ближней морской зоне.
Технические характеристики
Экипаж, чел.
Масса, кг:
Максимальная взлетная
Боевой нагрузки (макс./мин.)
Дальность полета с нормальной боевой нагрузкой, км
Необходимая длина бетонной ВПП, м
Мореходность (высота ветровой волны - не более), баллы

Дальний противолодочный самолет
Предназначен для поиска, слежения и уничтожения подводных лодок в удаленных районах океана (моря).
Технические характеристики
Экипаж, чел.
Масса, кг:
Максимальная взлетная
Максимальная скорость полета, км/ч
Боевой нагрузки (максимальная/нормальная)
Максимальная дальность полета, км
Продолжительность полета, ч
Боевой радиус действия, км
Крейсерская скорость полета, м
Длина разбега, м

Палубный истребитель
Предназначен для уничтожения средств воздушного нападения противника самостоятельно и во взаимодействии с другими силами и средствами корабельного авианосного соединения при решении задач противовоздушной и противоракетной обороны.
Технические характеристики
Экипаж, чел.
Максимальная взлетная масса, кг:
Максимальная скорость полета, км/ч:
С палубы
Практический потолок, м
Дальность полета, км
На высоте
Посадочная скорость, км/ч

Дальний ракетоносец-бомбардировщик
Предназначен для поражения сверхзвуковыми управляемыми ракетами морских и наземных целей днем и ночью, в любых метеоусловиях.
Технические характеристики
Размах крыла, м
Длина самолета, м
Высота самолета, м
Практический потолок, км
Максимальная скорость, км/ч
Экипаж, чел.
Дальность полета, км
23-мм пушка ГШ-23
3 УР "воздух-земля"

Корабельный транспортно-боевой вертолет
Предназначен для десантирования с кораблей и судов подразделений морской пехоты с вооружением, огневой поддержки морского десанта, переброски личного состава, грузов с плавбаз и судов снабжения на боевые корабли и суда ВМФ.
Технические характеристики
Экипаж, чел.
Масса, кг:
Скорость полета, км/ч:
взлетная, максимальная/нормальная
боевой нагрузки
Практическая дальность с 16 десантниками (1 800 кг), км
Статический потолок, м
Размеры вертолета в сложенном состоянии, м:

Береговой ракетный комплекс «Бал-Э»
Предназначен для защиты и придания боевой устойчивости объектам прибрежной зоны.
Технические характеристики
Количество ракет в залпе
Интервал пуска ракет, с
не более 3

Береговой противокорабельный оперативно-тактический ракетный комплекс «Редут»
Предназначен для поражения крупных и средних надводных кораблей, транспортов и десантно-транспортных средств.
Технические характеристики
Масса пусковой установки с ракетой, т
Стартовая масса ракеты, кг
Максимальная дальность стрельбы, км
Высота полета ракеты маршевая, м
Скорость полета маршевая, число М
Максимальная скорость движения ПУ, км/ч
Запас хода, км
Боевой расчет, чел.

Береговой самоходный артиллерийский комплекс
Предназначен для поражения надводных кораблей, транспортов и катеров, а также наземных целей.
Технические характеристики
Дальность, км:
Скорострельность, выстр./мин.
Обнаружения целей, свыше
Эффективной стрельбы
Количество одновременно поражаемых целей
Максимальная скорость движения по шоссе, км/ч
Запас хода по топливу, км
Смыслова Оля
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Подписи к слайдам:
История Военно-Морского Флота Российской Федерации.
1. Российский военно-морской флот. 2. С чего всё начиналось… (Флот Древнерусского государства, флот при Иване IV , флот при Петре I). 3. Флот Российской империи. 4. Военно-морской флот СССР План:
Российский военно-морской флот – это мощь, краса и гордость нашего государства. Развитие военно-морского флота способствовало утверждению авторитета России на международной арене. А сколько побед было одержано благодаря нашему военно-морскому флоту! И несомненно то, что Военно-Морской флот – важная составляющая Вооружённых сил Российской Федерации. Но прежде, чем Военно-Морской Флот стал таким мощным и сильным, политические деятели, адмиралы и другие общественные люди нашей страны потратили немало сил на его создание и развитие. Итак, моя презентация посвящена истории военно-морского флота России, истории его создания, развития и побед.
Древнерусское государство уже в IX веке обладало подобием военного флота, что доказывается успешным морским походом на Константинополь в 860 году. Однако флот был нерегулярным и строился, вероятно, лишь в целях набегов. Вследствие феодальной раздробленности даже нерегулярные военно-морские силы у древнерусских княжеств отсутствовали. Единственным возможным исключением была Новгородская земля, имеющая выход к Балтийскому и Белому морям. С чего всё начиналось…
В 1570 году Иван Грозный для охраны русского судоходства на Балтийском море создал флотилию, просуществовавшую около года. В XVI веке казаки боролись за свободный выход в Чёрное море, используя флот для борьбы с турками.
В середине XVII века на Белом море была создана лоцманская служба. В 1636 году было построено первое трехмачтовое судно по западному образцу - Фредерик (затонул в этом же году). Первый русский корабль западноевропейского типа - фрегат Орёл - был построен в 1667 году (Фредерик был построен в России, но принадлежал Гольштейну). В 1669 году капитаном «Орла» был создан первый краткий военно-морской устав.
Создание регулярного российского флота было связано с именем Петра I. В 1688 году он обнаружил ботик, подаренный его отцу - царю Алексею Михайловичу. После ремонта и оснастки ботика Пётр испытал его, а после в Переславле-Залесском, на Плещеевом озере заложил первую верфь для строительства судов. «Потешный» флот, созданный Петром в 1688-1693 гг., был предтечей Российского регулярного флота.
Интерес Петра I к единственному в то время русскому морскому порту - Архангельску - возник одновременно с замыслом о строительстве флота. Свыше двух месяцев царь провёл в Архангельске, познакомился с корабельным делом и отдал распоряжение о строительстве на острове Соломбала первой в России государственной судостроительной верфи. С середины XVII века верфь стала именоваться Архангельским адмиралтейством. Позже Пётр I собственноручно заложил здесь торговый морской корабль «Св. Павел».
Регулярный флот был заложен также на верфях Воронежского адмиралтейства. Поход русской армии к турецкой крепости Азов в 1695 году окончился провалом. Полная блокада Азова не удалась, потому что у русских не было флота. Только зимой 1695-1696 годов были построены первые корабли и суда. Наконец, после завоевания крепости Азов и удачного окончания Второго Азовского похода Боярская дума приняла постановление «Морским судам быть…», как бы одобрив замысел Петра Великого.
Официальной датой рождения Флота Российской империи считается 1696 год. Но в послепетровский период в развитии судостроения наступил заметный спад. Лишь 21 января 1731 года по указанию царицы Анны Иоанновны возобновлено строительство крупных кораблей и заложен 66-пушечный парусник и 110-пушечный корабль «Императрица Анна». Всего же во время правления Анны Иоанновны для Балтийского флота было построено около 100 кораблей и судов, в том числе 20 линейных кораблей и 10 фрегатов. Флот Российской империи.
Россияне в 1778 году в устье Днепра заложили новый порт Херсон со стапелями для постройки линейных кораблей и фрегатов. Херсонский первенец, 60-пушечный линейный корабль «Святая Екатерина», из-за затянувшихся сроков строительства был разобран прямо на стапеле. Зато 66-пушечная «Слава Екатерины» стала первым линейным кораблем Черноморского флота.
Император Александр I создал учреждение Морского министерства, которое разработало штатный состав и обоснованную классификацию кораблей предшественника нынешнего ВМФ. Паруса полностью вытеснили боевые гребные суда, хотя для защиты шхер и подступов к Петербургу еще до 1854 года строились гребные канонерки.
Небывалые масштабы парусное судостроение приобрело в период царствования Николая I. Было построено 22 линейных корабля, 20 фрегатов, 12 бригов, создано Севастопольское и значительно расширено Николаевское адмиралтейства, второе дыхание обрели и другие верфи. Но над морскими просторами, знававшими прежде лишь белизну парусов и смолистую позолоту деревянных палуб величественных парусников, уже неслись клубы дыма из труб первых пароходов-фрегатов.
В 1826 году был построен первый военный пароход вооружённый 8 пушками. В 1836 году был построен первый пароход-фрегат Богатырь (водоизмещение - 1340 тонн, мощность - 117 кв (240 л.с.), вооружение - 28 пушек). Между 1803 и 1855 годами русские мореплаватели совершили более 40 кругосветных и дальних путешествий, которые сыграли значительную роль в освоении Дальнего Востока, различных океанов и тихоокеанского операционного региона.
Военно-Морской Флот Российской империи продолжал и после прихода к власти царя Николая II. Несмотря на то, что русская промышленность развивалась большими темпами, она не могла поддерживать постоянно увеличивающиеся потребности флота, и некоторые корабли были заказаны в других странах. Существовала и практика закупки головного корабля за границей, затем постройки серии по нему на своих верфях, иногда в ущерб развитию собственного кораблестроения.
Военно-морской флот СССР. Гражданская война в России привела к резкому сокращению корабельного состава Рабоче-Крестьянского Красного Флота (РККФ). Общая деградация затронула почти все силы флота. Взятый советским правительством курс на сокращение флота привёл к тому, что были сокращены численность личного состава РККФ, объём ассигнований на военное судостроение и судоремонт. В 1940-1941 годах была разработана и введена в действие система оперативных готовностей флотов и флотилий. К началу Великой Отечественной войны был создан военно-морской флот, способный выполнять важнейшие тактические и стратегические задачи как совместно с сухопутными войсками, так и самостоятельно в прилегающих морях в целях обороны побережья и срыва морских перевозок.
В состав сил флота СССР в 80-х годах ХХ века (стратегических и общего назначения) входило более 100 эскадр и дивизий, а общая численность личного состава ВМФ СССР составляла около 450 000 . На 1991 год на судостроительных предприятиях СССР строилось: два авианосца (в том числе один атомный), 11 атомных подводных лодок с баллистическими ракетами, 18 многоцелевых атомных подводных лодок, семь дизельных подводных лодок, два ракетных крейсера (в том числе один атомный), 10 эскадренных миноносцев и больших противолодочных кораблей и др.
Вот такой долгий и тернистый путь прошёл Российский военно-морской флот, прежде чем стать таким мощным, таким сильным, каким он является в настоящее время. Слава Российскому Военно-Морскому флоту!
Источники – интернет-ресурсы: www.wikipedia.ru/ www.yandex.ru/ и др. Выполнила: ученица 11 класса МКОУ СОШ с. Бутурлинка Смыслова Ольга.
The English language was established in New Zealand by colonists during the 19th century. The most distinctive influences on New Zealand English have come from Southern England, Scottish English, and the indigenous Māori language. New Zealand English is close to Australian English in its pronunciation; there are, however, several subtle differences. One of the most prominent differences between the New Zealand accent and that of Australia is the realization of /ɪ/: in New Zealand English, as in some South African varieties, this is pronounced as a schwa.
The short-i of KIT is a central vowel around [ə] or [ɘ]. This sounds somewhat similar to (although not quite as open as) a short-u in other forms of English, and contrasts sharply with the [i]-like vowel heard in Australia. The New Zealander"s short-i is not phonologically distinct from the schwa /ə/.
The short-e /ɛ/ of DRESS has moved to fill in the space left by /ɪ/, and it is phonetically in the region of [e]. It sounds like a short-i itself to most other English speakers.
Likewise, the short-a /æ/ of TRAP is approximately [ɛ], which sounds like a short-e to other English speakers.
Documentary films from the first half of the 20th century featuring both Australian and New Zealand voices show that the accents were more similar before the Second World War and they diverged mostly after the 1950s. Recent linguistic research has suggested that the short, flat "i" heard in New Zealand comes from the dialects of English spoken by lower-class English people in the late-19th century. It is, however, also encountered in Scottish English, and given the higher level of Scottish emigration to New Zealand than to Australia, this may also be an influence. The pronunciation of English vowels by native Māori speakers may also have influenced the New Zealand accent. There is also a Māori accent distinct from the accent of native English speakers.
The vowels /ɪə/ as in near and /eə/ as in square are increasingly being merged, so that here rhymes with there; and bear and beer, and rarely and really are homophones. This is the "most obvious vowel change taking place" in New Zealand English. There is some debate as to the quality of the merged vowel, but the consensus appears to be that it is towards a close variant, .
Before /l/, the vowels /iː/:/ɪə/ (as in reel vs real), as well as /ɒ/:/oʊ/ (doll vs dole), and sometimes /ʊ/:/uː/ (pull vs pool), /ɛ/:/æ/ (Ellen vs Alan) and /ʊ/:/ɪ/ (full vs fill) may be merged.
New Zealand English is mostly non-rhotic (with linking and intrusive R), except for speakers of the so-called Southland burr, a semi-rhotic, Scottish-influenced dialect heard principally in the Southland and parts of Otago. Among r-less speakers, however, non-prevocalic /r/ is sometimes pronounced in a few words, including Ireland and the name of the letter R itself.
/l/ is dark in all positions, and is often vocalised in the syllable coda. This varies in different regions and between different socio-economic groups; the younger, lower social class speakers vocalise /l/ most of the time.
Other consonants
The distinction between /w/ as in witch and /hw/ as in which, retained by older speakers, now seems to be disappearing.
New Zealand English has the trap-bath split; words like dance, chance, plant and grant have /ɑː/, as in Southern England and South Australia.
As in Australian English, some New Zealanders will pronounce past participles such as grown, thrown and mown with two syllables, inserting an additional schwa /-oʊ.ən/. By contrast, groan, throne and moan are all unaffected, meaning these word pairs can be distinguished by ear. This has also been heard (rarely) in the pronunciation of the word three, where the schwa appears between the "th" and the "r", creating a two-syllable word, and in words such as dwarf and Dwane/Duane where the schwa appears between the "d" and the "w" (or "u"), leading to puns like "Duosyllabic Duane".
The trans- prefix is commonly pronounced /trænts/. This produces mixed pronunciation of the as in words like "transplant" (/trænzplɑːnt/) whereas in northern (but not southern) British English the same vowel is used in both syllables (/trænzplænt/).
The name of the letter H is usually /eɪtʃ/, as in North America, but it can be the aspirated /heɪtʃ/ of Hiberno-English origin also found in Australian English, though this is often considered incorrect. (The /heɪtʃ/ pronunciation of "h" is now widespread in the United Kingdom, being used by approximately 24% of British people born since 1982.)
lad, cat, ran
run, enough
not, wasp
put, wood
near, here
hair, there
Many local everyday words have been borrowed from the Māori language, including words for local flora, fauna, and the natural environment. See Māori influence on New Zealand English.
The dominant influence of Māori on New Zealand English is lexical. A 1999 estimate based on the Wellington corpora of written and spoken New Zealand English put the proportion of words of Māori origin at approximately 0.6%, mostly place and personal names.
The everyday use of Maori words is usually colloquial, and is far more common among youth, young adults and Maori populations themselves. Examples include words like "Kia Ora" ("Hello"), or "Kai" ("Food") which almost all New Zealanders know.
Māori is also ever-present and has a significant conceptual influence in the legislature, government, and community agencies (e.g. health and education), where legislation requires that proceedings and documents are translated into Māori (under certain circumstances, and when requested). Political discussion and analysis of issues of sovereignty, environmental management, health, and social well-being thus rely on Māori at least in part. Māori as a spoken language is particularly important wherever community consultation occurs.
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What is the capital of New Zealand? What is the capital of New Zealand? a. Auckland b. Wellington c. Dunedin Which city is the largest? a. Wellington b. Gisborne c. Auckland What is New Zealand’s nearest neighbour? a. America b. Japan c. Australia Who or what are the ‘Maoris’? a. people b. wild animal c. a range of mountain Who was the first settlers of New Zealand? a. Polynesians b. Captain Cook c. Abel Tasman What is the official Language in Australia? a. English b. Maori c. Spain
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FULL COUNTRY NAME: New Zealand FULL COUNTRY NAME: New Zealand CAPITAL: Wellington TOTAL AREA: 269,000 sq.km POPULATION: 4,182,000 people PEOPLE: 88% Europeans, 125 Maori and Polynesian LANGUAGES: English and Maori RELIGION: Predominantly Christian (81%) HEAD OF STATE: Queen Elizabeth II represented by Governor-General FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Constitutional monarchy LONGEST RIVER: Waikato (425 km) LARGEST LAKE: Taupo (606 km) HIGHEST POINT: Mount Cook (3,754 m) NATIONAL DAY: Waitangi Day , 6 February (since 1840) MAJOR INDUSTRIES: wood and paper products, wool, textile, iron, steel CURRENCY: NZ dollar NATIONAL SYMBOLS: Kiwi NATIONAL ANTHEM: “God Defend New Zealand”
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New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands – the North Island and the South Island – and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. In Māori, New Zealand has come to be known as Aotearoa, which is usually translated into English as The Land of the Long White Cloud. The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue, which are self-governing but in free association; Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand"s territorial claim in Antarctica). New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea, approximately 2000 kilometres (1250 miles) across. Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga. New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands – the North Island and the South Island – and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. In Māori, New Zealand has come to be known as Aotearoa, which is usually translated into English as The Land of the Long White Cloud. The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue, which are self-governing but in free association; Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand"s territorial claim in Antarctica). New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea, approximately 2000 kilometres (1250 miles) across. Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.
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The Flag of New Zealand is a defaced blue ensign with the Union Flag in the canton, and four red stars with white borders to the right. The stars represent the constellation of Crux, the Southern Cross, as seen from New Zealand. The flag proportion is 1:2 and the colours are Red, Blue and White. Proportion and colours are identical to the Union Flag. The Flag of New Zealand is a defaced blue ensign with the Union Flag in the canton, and four red stars with white borders to the right. The stars represent the constellation of Crux, the Southern Cross, as seen from New Zealand. The flag proportion is 1:2 and the colours are Red, Blue and White. Proportion and colours are identical to the Union Flag.
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Until 1911, New Zealand used the same national coat of arms as the United Kingdom. When New Zealand became a Dominion in 1907, it was decided that a new Coat of Arms was required, and a design competition was held. Since being granted its own arms in 1911, New Zealand"s arms have remained similar to the current design, with minor changes in 1956. The shield is now supported by two figures, a blonde Pākehā (European) woman holding the New Zealand flag, and a Māori warrior holding a taiaha (Māori staff). The shield is topped with the St Edward"s Crown, and beneath the shield are two silver fern leaves and a scroll bearing the words "New Zealand". Until 1911, New Zealand used the same national coat of arms as the United Kingdom. When New Zealand became a Dominion in 1907, it was decided that a new Coat of Arms was required, and a design competition was held. Since being granted its own arms in 1911, New Zealand"s arms have remained similar to the current design, with minor changes in 1956. The shield is now supported by two figures, a blonde Pākehā (European) woman holding the New Zealand flag, and a Māori warrior holding a taiaha (Māori staff). The shield is topped with the St Edward"s Crown, and beneath the shield are two silver fern leaves and a scroll bearing the words "New Zealand".
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The kiwi bird was named so for the sound of its chirp. This flightless bird, about the size of a domestic hen, has an extremely long beak and plumage more like hair than feathers. It has no tail, almost no wings. It weights about 2 kg. The female kiwi lays only one egg, but it is about 1/5th of her own weight. After laying it she leaves her husband to hatch the egg out. The New Zealand dollar is frequently called the Kiwi. The dollar coin features a kiwi bird on one side. The kiwi bird was named so for the sound of its chirp. This flightless bird, about the size of a domestic hen, has an extremely long beak and plumage more like hair than feathers. It has no tail, almost no wings. It weights about 2 kg. The female kiwi lays only one egg, but it is about 1/5th of her own weight. After laying it she leaves her husband to hatch the egg out. The New Zealand dollar is frequently called the Kiwi. The dollar coin features a kiwi bird on one side.
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New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Under the Royal Titles Act (1953), Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of New Zealand and is represented as head of state by the Governor-General Anand Satyanand . New Zealand is the only country in the world in which all the highest offices in the land have been occupied simultaneously by women: Queen Elizabeth II, Governor-General Dame Silvia Cartwright, Prime Minister Helen Clark, Speaker of the House of Representatives Margaret Wilson and Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias were all in office between March 2005 and August 2006. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Under the Royal Titles Act (1953), Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of New Zealand and is represented as head of state by the Governor-General Anand Satyanand . New Zealand is the only country in the world in which all the highest offices in the land have been occupied simultaneously by women: Queen Elizabeth II, Governor-General Dame Silvia Cartwright, Prime Minister Helen Clark, Speaker of the House of Representatives Margaret Wilson and Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias were all in office between March 2005 and August 2006.
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The Maori people are the indigenous people of New Zealand. Maoritanga is the native language. It is believed that the Maori migrated from Polynesia in canoes about the 9th century to 13th century AD. The Maoris lived in tribes called ‘iwi’. They lived in villages and were fishermen, hunters and framers. The present Maori population has increased to about 250,000 and the Maori live in all parts of New Zealand, but predominately in the North Island where the climate is warmer. The Maori people are the indigenous people of New Zealand. Maoritanga is the native language. It is believed that the Maori migrated from Polynesia in canoes about the 9th century to 13th century AD. The Maoris lived in tribes called ‘iwi’. They lived in villages and were fishermen, hunters and framers. The present Maori population has increased to about 250,000 and the Maori live in all parts of New Zealand, but predominately in the North Island where the climate is warmer.
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Maori Art refers to all the traditional arts: whakairo (wood carving); kowhaiwhai (rafter patterns); ta moko (tattooing); waiata (songs and chants); haka (dance); whaikorero (oratory); waka ama (canoe racing), etc. Maori Art refers to all the traditional arts: whakairo (wood carving); kowhaiwhai (rafter patterns); ta moko (tattooing); waiata (songs and chants); haka (dance); whaikorero (oratory); waka ama (canoe racing), etc.
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The North Island is one of the two main islands of New Zealand. The island is 113,729 sq. km in area, making it the world"s 14th-largest island. It has a population of 3,148,400. Several important cities are in the North Island: Auckland, and Wellington, the capital. Approximately 76% of New Zealand"s population lives in the North Island. The North Island is one of the two main islands of New Zealand. The island is 113,729 sq. km in area, making it the world"s 14th-largest island. It has a population of 3,148,400. Several important cities are in the North Island: Auckland, and Wellington, the capital. Approximately 76% of New Zealand"s population lives in the North Island.
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Wellington is the capital of New Zealand, the country"s second largest urban area and the most populous national capital in Oceania. The population is about 449,000 people. Wellington is New Zealand"s political centre, housing Parliament and the head offices of all government ministries and departments, plus the bulk of the foreign diplomatic missions based in New Zealand. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand, the country"s second largest urban area and the most populous national capital in Oceania. The population is about 449,000 people. Wellington is New Zealand"s political centre, housing Parliament and the head offices of all government ministries and departments, plus the bulk of the foreign diplomatic missions based in New Zealand.
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Auckland is the largest urban area of the country. With over 1,260,900 people it has over a quarter of the country"s population. Auckland is the largest urban area of the country. With over 1,260,900 people it has over a quarter of the country"s population.
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Hamilton is the country"s 7th largest city. The population is 187, 960 people. It is in the Waikato region of the North Island. It sits on both banks of the Waikato River. The city is host to a large number of small galleries and the Waikato Museum. Hamilton is home to more than 25,000 students, mostly enrolled in one of the city"s two main institutes, the University of Waikato and Waikato Institute of Technology. Hamilton is the country"s 7th largest city. The population is 187, 960 people. It is in the Waikato region of the North Island. It sits on both banks of the Waikato River. The city is host to a large number of small galleries and the Waikato Museum. Hamilton is home to more than 25,000 students, mostly enrolled in one of the city"s two main institutes, the University of Waikato and Waikato Institute of Technology.
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Tauranga is the largest city of the Bay of Plenty region. The Population is about 109,100 people. It is the 9th largest city area in the country, and the centre of the 6th largest urban area. Tauranga is the largest city of the Bay of Plenty region. The Population is about 109,100 people. It is the 9th largest city area in the country, and the centre of the 6th largest urban area.
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Rotorua is a town on the southern shore of Lake Rotorua in the Bay of Plenty region. The city has a population of 53,000, of which one third is Māori. Rotorua is well-known for geothermal activity. There are a number of geysers, notably the 20-m Pohutu geyser at Whakarewarewa, and hot mud pools located in the city, which owe their presence to the Rotorua caldera. Rotorua is a town on the southern shore of Lake Rotorua in the Bay of Plenty region. The city has a population of 53,000, of which one third is Māori. Rotorua is well-known for geothermal activity. There are a number of geysers, notably the 20-m Pohutu geyser at Whakarewarewa, and hot mud pools located in the city, which owe their presence to the Rotorua caldera.
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New Plymouth is the port and main city in the Taranaki region. The population is about 49,500 people. The city is a service centre for the region"s principal economic activities. It is also a bustling financial centre as the home of the TSB Bank. New Plymouth is the port and main city in the Taranaki region. The population is about 49,500 people. The city is a service centre for the region"s principal economic activities. It is also a bustling financial centre as the home of the TSB Bank.
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Gisborne is the name of a unitary authority in New Zealand, being both a region and a district. The population is about 32,700 people. Gisborne is named for an early Colonial Secretary William Gisborne. The council is located in the city of Gisborne. Gisborne is the name of a unitary authority in New Zealand, being both a region and a district. The population is about 32,700 people. Gisborne is named for an early Colonial Secretary William Gisborne. The council is located in the city of Gisborne.
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Taupo is a small urban area in the centre of the North Island. It is the seat of the Taupo District Council. Taupo has a population of 22,300.Taupo is located at the north-east corner of Lake Taupo, and functions as a tourist centre, particularly in the summer, as it offers panoramic views over the lake and the volcanic mountains of Tongariro National Park to the south. One of New Zealand"s most spectacular waterfalls, the Huka Falls is also close to the town. Taupo is a small urban area in the centre of the North Island. It is the seat of the Taupo District Council. Taupo has a population of 22,300.Taupo is located at the north-east corner of Lake Taupo, and functions as a tourist centre, particularly in the summer, as it offers panoramic views over the lake and the volcanic mountains of Tongariro National Park to the south. One of New Zealand"s most spectacular waterfalls, the Huka Falls is also close to the town.
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The South Island is the larger of the two major islands of New Zealand. The South Island has an area of 151,215 sq. km, making it the world"s 12th-largest island. It has a population of 991,100. Along its west coast runs the mountain chain of the Southern Alps with Mount Cook being the highest point, 3,754 m. The South Island is the larger of the two major islands of New Zealand. The South Island has an area of 151,215 sq. km, making it the world"s 12th-largest island. It has a population of 991,100. Along its west coast runs the mountain chain of the Southern Alps with Mount Cook being the highest point, 3,754 m.
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Christchurch is the regional capital of Canterbury. The largest city in the South Island, it is also the second largest city and third largest urban area of New Zealand. The Population is about 367,700 people. The city is named after the Christ Church cathedral, which is itself named after Christ Church, a college at the University of Oxford, and the Cathedral of Oxford. The city was originally known as Christ Church, the written form consolidating by the 1880s. Christchurch is the regional capital of Canterbury. The largest city in the South Island, it is also the second largest city and third largest urban area of New Zealand. The Population is about 367,700 people. The city is named after the Christ Church cathedral, which is itself named after Christ Church, a college at the University of Oxford, and the Cathedral of Oxford. The city was originally known as Christ Church, the written form consolidating by the 1880s.
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Dunedin is the second-largest city in the South Island, and the principal city of the region of Otago. The population is about 114,700 people. It is New Zealand"s fifth largest city in terms of population. For historical and cultural reasons, Dunedin is considered one of the country"s four main centres. The city stands on the hills and valleys surrounding the head of Otago Harbour. The harbour and hills are the remnants of an extinct volcano. It is the home of the University of Otago. Dunedin is the second-largest city in the South Island, and the principal city of the region of Otago. The population is about 114,700 people. It is New Zealand"s fifth largest city in terms of population. For historical and cultural reasons, Dunedin is considered one of the country"s four main centres. The city stands on the hills and valleys surrounding the head of Otago Harbour. The harbour and hills are the remnants of an extinct volcano. It is the home of the University of Otago.
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The City of Nelson is the administrative centre of the Nelson region. The population is about 60,500 people. Nelson received its name in honour of the Admiral Nelson. Nelson is a centre for arts and crafts, and each year hosts popular events such as the Nelson Arts Festival. The City of Nelson is the administrative centre of the Nelson region. The population is about 60,500 people. Nelson received its name in honour of the Admiral Nelson. Nelson is a centre for arts and crafts, and each year hosts popular events such as the Nelson Arts Festival.
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Queenstown is a picturesque tourist destination located in the South Island. The population of the Queenstown is 9,251. The town is built around an inlet on Lake Wakatipu. Queenstown is the adventure capital of the world. Many tourists flock to the area year round to indulge in activities such as white water rafting, kayaking, jet boating, tandem sky-driving. Queenstown is a picturesque tourist destination located in the South Island. The population of the Queenstown is 9,251. The town is built around an inlet on Lake Wakatipu. Queenstown is the adventure capital of the world. Many tourists flock to the area year round to indulge in activities such as white water rafting, kayaking, jet boating, tandem sky-driving.
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Picton is the gateway to the South Island. The town"s main purpose is to cater for the travellers who arrive or depart the ferry service that runs between both the North and South islands. Picton is a small town, but is busy as travellers prepare to explore the area or strike out further a field to the nearby Nelson or Canterbury regions. The population is about 4,200 people. Picton is the gateway to the South Island. The town"s main purpose is to cater for the travellers who arrive or depart the ferry service that runs between both the North and South islands. Picton is a small town, but is busy as travellers prepare to explore the area or strike out further a field to the nearby Nelson or Canterbury regions. The population is about 4,200 people.
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New Zealand’s 3rd largest island, Stewart Island is a very special place. The only town is Oban with population about 400 people. It is a heaven for native birds’ life. The kiwi, rare in both the North and the South Island, is common over much of the island, particularly around beaches. The weather is changeable on the island. Tramping the many tracks, see kayaking, fishing, walking on the bird sanctuary, Ulva Island is some of the exiting things people can do on this island. New Zealand’s 3rd largest island, Stewart Island is a very special place. The only town is Oban with population about 400 people. It is a heaven for native birds’ life. The kiwi, rare in both the North and the South Island, is common over much of the island, particularly around beaches. The weather is changeable on the island. Tramping the many tracks, see kayaking, fishing, walking on the bird sanctuary, Ulva Island is some of the exiting things people can do on this island.
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There are some 70 species of birds found nowhere else in the world, more than a third of them are flightless, and almost a quarter of them nocturnal. Notable New Zealand birds include the Tui, Bellbird, Kiwi, Kakapo, Takahe, and Weka. New Zealand is also home to many seabirds including the Albatross, which has the longest wing span of any bird in the world. The most spectacular of all New Zealand birds was the Moa. Some Moa"s reached heights of 15 feet, making them the tallest bird in the world. There are some 70 species of birds found nowhere else in the world, more than a third of them are flightless, and almost a quarter of them nocturnal. Notable New Zealand birds include the Tui, Bellbird, Kiwi, Kakapo, Takahe, and Weka. New Zealand is also home to many seabirds including the Albatross, which has the longest wing span of any bird in the world. The most spectacular of all New Zealand birds was the Moa. Some Moa"s reached heights of 15 feet, making them the tallest bird in the world.
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New Zealand is one of the world’s richest bio-diverse flora areas on earth. It is endemic and its extent is enormous. Native trees include Rimu, Totara, Matai, Kahikatea, Rata, Tawa and many species of ferns including some giant tree ferns. Other notable trees include the Cabbage Tree, the Nikau Palm which is New Zealand"s only palm tree, and the Giant Kauri, which hold the record for the greatest timber volume of any tree. One of the most noticeable plants is the Pohutukawa which detonates with brilliant red flowers around December. New Zealand is one of the world’s richest bio-diverse flora areas on earth. It is endemic and its extent is enormous. Native trees include Rimu, Totara, Matai, Kahikatea, Rata, Tawa and many species of ferns including some giant tree ferns. Other notable trees include the Cabbage Tree, the Nikau Palm which is New Zealand"s only palm tree, and the Giant Kauri, which hold the record for the greatest timber volume of any tree. One of the most noticeable plants is the Pohutukawa which detonates with brilliant red flowers around December.
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With the exception of two species of bat, no indigenous mammals are native to New Zealand. Wild mammals include deer, goats, pigs, rabbits, weasels, ferrets. Marine mammals are dolphins, seals and whales. New Zealand contains no snakes and has only one poisonous spider called the Katipo. Other insects include the Weta one species of which may grow as large as a house mouse and is the heaviest insect in the world. New Zealand"s most unigue animal is the Tuatara, which is a lizard-like reptile that predates the Dinosaur and is considered a living fossil. With the exception of two species of bat, no indigenous mammals are native to New Zealand. Wild mammals include deer, goats, pigs, rabbits, weasels, ferrets. Marine mammals are dolphins, seals and whales. New Zealand contains no snakes and has only one poisonous spider called the Katipo. Other insects include the Weta one species of which may grow as large as a house mouse and is the heaviest insect in the world. New Zealand"s most unigue animal is the Tuatara, which is a lizard-like reptile that predates the Dinosaur and is considered a living fossil.
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Описание слайда:
Geographical location: … Southwest Pacific Ocean Geographical location: … Southwest Pacific Ocean Situation: … the North Island and the South Island Capital: … Total area: … square kilometres. Population: …people. First settlers: … Principal towns: … Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington. Principal industries: … wood and paper products, wool, textile, iron, steel. Head of State … Queen … represented by … Birds: … Animals: … National emblems: …
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New Zealand
New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/ Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. In Maori, New Zealand has come to be known as Aotearoa , which is usually translated into English as The Land of the Long White Cloud . The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue, which are self-governing but in free association; Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand"s territorial claim in Antarctica). New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea, approximately 2000 kilometres (1250 miles) across. Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.
The population is mostly of European descent, with the indigenous Maori being the largest minority. Non-Maori Polynesian and Asian people are also significant minorities, especially in the cities. Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the Head of State and, in her absence, is represented by a non-partisan Governor-General. The Queen "reigns but does not rule"; she has no real political influence. Her position is largely symbolic. Political power is held by the democratically-elected Parliament of New Zealand under the leadership of the Prime Minister, who is the Head of Government.
New Zealand comprises two main islands (called the North and South Islands in English, Te- Ika -a-Maui and Te Wai Pounamu in Maori) and a number of smaller islands located near the center of the water hemisphere. The total land area, 268,680 square kilometres (103,738 sq mi), is a little less than that of Italy and Japan, and a little more than the United Kingdom. The country extends more than 1600 kilometres (1000 miles) along its main, north-north-east axis, with approximately 15,134 km of coastline. The most significant of the smaller inhabited islands include Stewart Island/ Rakiura ; Waiheke Island, in Auckland"s Hauraki Gulf; Great Barrier Island, east of the Hauraki Gulf; and the Chatham Islands, named Rekohu by Moriori. The country has extensive marine resources, with the seventh-largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world, covering over four million square kilometres (1.5 million sq mi), more than 15 times its land area.
The South Island is the largest land mass of New Zealand, and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps, the highest peak of which is Aoraki/Mount Cook at 3754 metres (12,316 ft). There are eighteen peaks over 3000 metres (9800 ft) in the South Island. The North Island is less mountainous than the South, but is marked by volcanism. The highest North Island mountain, Mount Ruapehu (2797 m / 9176 ft), is an active cone volcano. The dramatic and varied landscape of New Zealand has made it a popular location for the production of television programmes and films, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Last Samurai and the Power Rangers series.
Because of its long isolation from the rest of the world and its island biogeography, New Zealand has extraordinary flora and fauna. About 80% of the flora in New Zealand occurs only in New Zealand, including more than 40 endemic genera. The two main types of forest are those dominated by podocarps and/or the giant kauri, and in cooler climates the southern beech. The remaining vegetation types in New Zealand are grasslands of tussock and other grasses, usually in sub-alpine areas, and the low shrublands between grasslands and forests.
Until the arrival of humans, 80% of the land was forested. Until 2006, it was thought, barring three species of bat (one now extinct), there were no non-marine native mammals. However, in 2006, scientists discovered bones that belonged to a long-extinct, unique, mouse-sized land animal in the Otago region of the South Island. New Zealand"s forests were inhabited by a diverse range of megafauna, including the flightless birds moa (now extinct), and the kiwi, kakapo and takahe, all endangered by human actions. Unique birds capable of flight include the Haast"s eagle, which was the world"s largest bird of prey (now extinct), and the large kaka and kea parrots. Reptiles present in New Zealand include skinks, geckos and living fossil tuatara. There are four endemic species of primitive frogs. There are no snakes and there is only one venomous spider, the katipo, which is rare and restricted to coastal regions. However, there are many endemic species of insects, including the weta, one species of which may grow as large as a house mouse and is the heaviest insect in the world.
New Zealand has led the world in island restoration projects where offshore islands are cleared of introduced mammalian pests and native species are reintroduced. Several islands located near to the three main islands are wildlife reserves where common pests such as possums and rodents have been eradicated to allow the reintroduction of endangered species to the islands. A more recent development is the mainland ecological island.
Sport has a major role in New Zealand"s culture; this is particularly the case with rugby union. Other popular sports include cricket, netball, basketball, lawn bowling, soccer and rugby league. Also popular are golf, tennis, cycling, field hockey, skiing, snowboarding, softball (Men"s International Softball Federation World Champions, 1996, 2000, 2004) and a variety of water sports, particularly surfing, sailing, whitewater kayaking, surf lifesaving skills and rowing. In the latter, New Zealand enjoyed an extraordinary magic 45 minutes when winning four successive gold medals at the 2005 world championships. The country is internationally recognised for performing well on a medals-to-population ratio at Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games. Equestrian sportsmen and sportswomen make their mark in the world, with Mark Todd being chosen international "Horseman of the Century". Other internationally famous New Zealand sportspeople include cricket player Sir Richard Hadlee, rugby player Jonah Lomu, sailor Sir Peter Blake and 2005 US Open golf tournament winner Michael Campbell.
Rugby union is closely linked to New Zealand"s national identity. The national rugby team, the All Blacks, has the best record of any national team. They hosted and won the inaugural Rugby World Cup in 1987, and will host the 2011 Rugby World Cup. The haka, a traditional Maori challenge, is traditionally performed by the All Blacks before the start of international matches.
Cricket is regarded as New Zealand"s main summer sport, and the New Zealand cricket team (known as "The Black Caps") usually ranks in the top four teams in the world in both test cricket and the shorter one day forms of the game. Netball is New Zealand"s most prominent women"s sport, and the New Zealand national team, the Silver Ferns, have been world champions on several occasions. New Zealand is one of the leading nations in world yachting, especially open-water long-distance or round-the-world races. In inshore yachting, Team New Zealand won the America"s Cup regatta in 1995 and successfully defended it in 2000.
New Zealand is regarded by some as a haven for extreme sports and adventure tourism. Its reputation in extreme sports extends from the establishment of the world"s first commercial bungee jumping operation in Auckland in 1986; its roots in adventure tourism can be traced all the way back to Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1953.